Test page for long division algorithm with repeating decimal detection

LongDivide(  ,   , '  '); // (A, B[, format])

LongDivide Output:
Built-in (A/B) Output:

options = {
'p':   // Fixed precision. Overrides p_max and p_min
'p_max':   // Maximum precision
'p_min':   // Minimum precision
'sf':   // Minimum precision
'leading':   // Minimum number of leading digits
'thousands':   // Digit grouping character for thousands
'thousandths':   // Digit grouping character for thousandths
'orphans':  false   // Allow orphan digits after a thousandths grouping character
'decimal':   // Decimal point character
'minus':   // Character placed in front of negative numbers
'plus':   // Character placed in front of positive numbers
'approx':   // Approximation sign character (blank if you don't want a symbol in front of non-exact results)
'currency':   // Character placed between sign and number
'micro':   // Character used for "micro" (10−6) prefix when SI prefixes are enabled
'OL_open':   // string placed inside number, in front of the repeating pattern (if applicable)
'OL_close':   // string placed inside number, behind the repeating pattern (if applicable)
'exp':   // exponential notation style ('e', 'ex', or 'ed')
'exp_open':   // exponential opening string (only valid when exp is set to custom)
'exp_close':   // exponential closing string (only valid when exp is set to custom)
'exp_minus':   // character to use in front of negative exponents (only valid when exp is set to custom)
'exp_plus':   // character to use in front of zero or positive exponents (only valid when exp is set to custom)
'si':  false   // Enables SI prefixes
'2_singles':  true   // Enables doubling single-digit repeating patterns (i.e. 1.33 instead of 1.3)
'repeat':  true   // Enables detection and display of repeating decimal results

Quick Tests:
(1-digit repeating pattern)
(1-digit repeating pattern)
(3-digit repeating pattern)
(6-digit repeating pattern)
(6-digit repeating pattern)
(1 non-repeating + 1-digit repeating pattern)
(1 non-repeating + 3-digit repeating pattern)
(1 non-repeating + 6-digit repeating pattern with up-rounding final digits in pattern)
(6-digit repeating pattern with float input)
(integer result)
(1-decimal evenly-divisible result)
(6-decimal evenly-divisible result)
(negative A)
(negative B)
(negative A and B)

Version 1.4.0